Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to properties owned and operated by NSPOT Consultancy Services Private Limited (“NSPOT”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”) which include, (“Website”) and our mobile app (the "App") (collectively, “Properties”). This Privacy Policy describes how NSPOT collects and uses the information you provide through our Properties. It also states what kind of information is collected from its Users by NSPOT and the manner it is intended to be used. This Policy also states how the information is protected by NSPOT.

If you have an unresolved privacy or data use concern that we have not addressed satisfactorily, please contact us directly.

This policy is intended to cover:

  • Changes in this Privacy Policy
  • Information collected
  • Cookies and similar technologies used
  • Use of personal information collected
  • Use of College, Institute and University information
  • Sharing of applicant information
  • Fraud, misrepresentation, or other inappropriate acts
  • Accessing and updating personal information
  • Security measures

Please read carefully this Privacy Policy before providing us with any information. Please note that this Policy only addresses NSPOT's practices and policy concerning information collected from our Properties and does not apply to information that may have been collected about you by others. This Policy also does not cover the privacy or information practices of those websites that may be linked to or referenced by the Properties or the privacy practices of Colleges, Institutes, Universities, or other partners of ours with whom we share applicant information.

Changes in this Privacy Policy

Changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this page. We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy as required at any time, so please review it periodically to learn of updates.

Information collected

NSPOT collects various information from applicants, recommenders, educational institutions, and member Colleges, Institutes, or Universities. This information is collected when you register yourself on our Website, provide a recommendation; and interact with us for other purposes. NSPOT also collects technical information about your visit when you access our Properties. If you are a student applicant, certain personal information is collected from you when you register yourself and complete your "profile" as part of the registration and application process, provide this information to us through the completion of an online user registration form. This information includes your name, address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, payment information, etc. NSPOT also collects the username and password you create during registration. This information is primarily collected to facilitate your interaction with a specified College, Institute, or University such as processing a specific admission application, requested by you.

Being a facilitator in the online admissions process, your request in respect of admissions will involve a transfer of your personal information. Such data related to your request or query will be made available to the institution or recipient you opt or choose or designate or to a service provider assisting us in completing that task.

Therefore, an applicant’s personal information and payment information is collected and provided to the selected College, Institute, or University for the purposes of processing your admissions. Your personal information required to complete that admission will be provided on your behalf to the office of the institution to which you are applying.

If you are a student applicant we may collect personal information about you from recommenders and educational institutions you have attended, including information about your academic achievements, performance, or any other information they choose to provide us to support your application(s).

Your request to any educational institution for a brochure or prospectus or any other material will entail your contact information to be sent to that institution. Except as provided herein, personal information that you provide on the website is not made available or distributed to third parties, except with your express consent. We will not share, sell or provide access to your personal information to any company, individual, or organization for its use in marketing or commercial solicitation or for any other purpose, except with your express consent, as is necessary for the operation of this website.

Additionally, for the purpose of payment, you may be requested for a credit/debit card, UPI ID, or other payment account information which is directly submitted to the Payment Gateway. We do not maintain any data submitted for the purpose of effecting payment. In case of any dispute or discrepancy, you are requested to directly contact your respective banks and/or the Payments Gateway.

If you are an administrator at any Colleges, Institutes, or Universities that use the Properties to receive student admission application data, we collect your name and email address to permit you to retrieve data of student applicants who have applied to your college or university using our Properties. The information of the administrator is also shared with certain third-party vendors to enable member administrators to gain access to a student applicant's payment status information.

If you are a parent or legal guardian we may collect personal information about you from the applicant, including your name, relationship with the applicant, address, telephone numbers, and/or email address.

When you access our Properties, we may also gather information such as device operating system version, device type and system response times (mobile device), Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, date/time stamp, and/or clickstream data.

We may also ask you for other information including preferences and interests, which is optional, and you may choose not to provide. If you voluntarily submit any additional information, we have your deemed free consent to use or share such information for the purpose of marketing or commercial solicitation.

We may use the information you submit to the Properties in order to provide you with a better experience and to improve the quality of our services.

If we intend to use any information in a manner different than the purpose for which it was collected, then we will ask for your consent prior to such use. If we propose to use personal information for any purposes other than those described in this Privacy Policy, we will offer you an effective way to opt-out of the use of personal information for those other purposes

Cookies and similar technologies used

NSPOT uses cookies and similar technologies to automatically gather certain technical information, such as your browser type and operating system. This information may be linked to other information NSPOT collects about you for the purposes of providing the services you request and safeguarding our systems and your information.

NSPOT on its Properties uses cookies or similar technologies to analyze trends, administer the Website, analyze users’ movements around the Properties, and gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. You can control the use of cookies at the individual browser level, but if you choose to disable cookies, it may limit your use of certain features or functions on our Properties. As is true of most websites and apps, we gather certain information automatically and store it in log files.

Information collected automatically may include Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, device type and system response times, operating system, date/time stamp, and/or clickstream data. We link this automatically-collected data to other information we collect about you. We do this to ensure that our Properties work properly on your devices so we can provide you with seamless services, promote our legitimate interests in safeguarding and ensuring the smooth operation of our IT systems, including our Properties, and help safeguard your personal information.

We may work with third parties that collect data about your use of the Properties and other sites or apps over time for non-advertising purposes. NSPOT uses Google Analytics and other third-party services to improve the performance of the Properties.

We also use mobile analytics software to allow us to better understand the functionality of our mobile application. This software may record information such as how often you use our App, the events that occur within the App, aggregated usage, performance data, and from where the App was downloaded.

Use of personal information collected

NSPOT uses the information it collects about applicants for various purposes, including processing your application to your desired Colleges, Institutes, and Universities; to communicate with you and for research and statistical uses.

We may use the information we collect from applicants on any lawful basis, including in the following ways:

* To process your application(s) to our member colleges and Universities which require the information to assess your suitability for admission, communicate with you about your application, and meet institutional reporting requirements and obligations to safeguard students. If you do not provide the information our members require, we will be unable to process your application. This information is, therefore, necessary for the delivery of our services to you.

* To allow us to communicate with you when necessary for the performance of our services to you. For example, to provide you with technical support, answer your questions about the Properties, and provide you with updates on the progress of your application, including by reminding you of upcoming deadlines.

* To send you to push notifications from time to time in order to update you about the admission application process as necessary for the performance of the services provided by us. If you no longer wish to receive these communications, you may turn them off on your device.

* To allow you to pay the fees required for your application to our member Colleges, Institutes or Universities to be processed.

* To allow us to send you other informational materials linked to our services, where you have engaged with us and have not opted out from receiving such information or you have affirmatively consented to receive it, as required by law.

* To allow us to confirm or “validate” through a third-party verification service the accuracy of the mailing address that you provide to further our legitimate interest in preventing misuse of the Properties.

* To create anonymized, aggregated, data that we and our partners can use solely for research and statistical use.

By activating your account registration with our Properties, your collected personal information may be shared and used by our member Colleges, Institutes, and/or Universities to contact you at any time and for any reason, including sending SMS messages to your mobile phone number(s), written communications to your mailing address, and/or emails to your email address in order to provide you with other information relevant to the applicant’s admission application process. This information that we collect and share with our members includes your name, your official title, your email address, your cell phone number, your pin code, school/educational information, and date, as well as your mailing address.

We do the above:

* With your consent, to allow us and member Colleges, Institutes, and Universities to which the relevant applicant(s) is applying to contact you in connection with the application.

* With your consent, to assess your recommendation and the applicant’s suitability for admission, as is necessary for the performance of our service to applicants.

* To communicate with you as necessary for the performance of our services to associated applicants, e.g., to provide you with updates on the application process, answer technical queries and provide service-related reminders and general service support.

Use of College, Institute and University information

NSPOT uses member College, Institute, and University administrator information for various purposes, including processing applications of those that apply to your institution and communicating with you.

We may use the information we collect about member College, Institute, and University administrators on any lawful basis, including the following:

* To allow you to retrieve data of applicants who have applied to your College, Institute, or University using our Properties, as necessary for the performance of our services to you and applicants.

* To communicate with you as necessary for the performance of our services to your College, Institute, or University and associated applicants, e.g., to provide you with updates on the application process, answer technical queries and provide service-related reminders and general service support.

* To communicate with you to further our legitimate interests in promoting our services.

* To share your information with our third-party payment gateway/card processing vendor, to enable member administrators to receive payments made by the applicant after deduction of our service charges, and to gain access to a student applicant's payment status information, only as is necessary to fulfill that applicant’s application for admission.

Sharing of applicant information

NSPOT shares information with certain third parties, including service providers used for web services and payment processing. NSPOT also shares information with certain third parties for their direct marketing purposes.

We will share your personal information with third parties in the ways that are described in this Privacy Policy.

NSPOT shares your personal information with member Colleges, Institutes, and/or Universities to allow them to assess your suitability for admission, communicate with you, and meet institutional reporting requirements.

We may also share your personal information with other third party organizations allowing us and/or them to generate aggregate data which we and/or the third party may publish, combine, or enhance with other aggregate data obtained from other sources, and/or share or distribute the aggregate only data for research purposes. Note that even if you never submit an application through the NSPOT, the Colleges, Institutes, and/or Universities in which you have indicated interest will still have access to personal information downloaded as part of your pre-application data prior to your application being submitted. Such Colleges and/or Universities may use this information, for example, to contact you even prior to the time your application is submitted to provide information about their institutions and admission processes and deadlines.

If NSPOT is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or substantially all of its assets or experiences an insolvency or bankruptcy event, we will post a prominent notice on the Website informing you of any change in ownership or uses of your personal information, as well as any choices you may have regarding your personal information.

NSPOT also shares information pursuant to a court order, governmental inquiry, or other legal process or as otherwise required by law, or to protect our rights or the rights of third parties. We also share your personal information with your consent or as otherwise disclosed at the time of data collection or sharing.

Fraud, misrepresentation, or other inappropriate acts

In the event of an allegation of fraud, misrepresentation, or other inappropriate act involving an applicant, NSPOT may disclose information, including where required by law or where necessary to protect our rights and the rights of our members.

Members, Colleges, Institutes, Universities, and applicants are advised that NSPOT functions as a conduit of information between the student applicant and the various member Colleges, Institutes, and Universities selected by the applicant. As such, it is NSPOT’s policy not to judge, evaluate, conduct any verification of, or perform an investigation on any information provided on or about a student applicant regardless of the source of that information.

That said, where we have been informed of an act of fraud, misrepresentation, or other inappropriate act involving an applicant, in certain situations, NSPOT may be required to disclose personal information in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to law enforcement requirements.

NSPOT reserves the right to disclose your personal information as required by law or in any instance or circumstance when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, the rights of our members, and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, police investigation, court order, or legal process served on NSPOT. Subject to any rights afforded by law, NSPOT also reserves the right upon notice to an applicant to disclose information collected from a registered user about which member Colleges, Institutes, and/or Universities a student applicant had applied to, including possibly suspending or closing an applicant’s on-line account upon notice to the student, when we have reason to believe that accessing and/or disclosing this information or taking such action is necessary to prevent, identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be violating any of our on-line user agreements or policies or who may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) NSPOT rights or property, other NSPOT users, members or to help protect anyone else that could be harmed by such activities.

NSPOT may also disclose or access registered user information when we believe in good faith that the law requires us to do so and for administrative, technical, and other related purposes that we deem necessary to maintain or improve our services.

Accessing and updating personal information

NSPOT offers you the ability to access, update, correct, and delete the information NSPOT holds about you.

NSPOT keeps your personal information for as long as it is necessary to provide you with our services or it is required to be retained by law or for legitimate business purposes. When determining how long to retain your personal information, our considerations include our legal obligations and other mandatory record-keeping requirements and the likelihood of you needing access to the personal information we hold for purposes related to your previous use of the Properties.

We ask individual users to identify themselves and the information requested to be accessed, corrected, or removed before processing such requests, and we may decline to process requests that are unreasonably repetitive or systematic, require disproportionate technical effort, jeopardize the privacy of others, or would be extremely impractical (for instance, requests concerning information residing on backup tapes), or for which access is not otherwise required.

NSPOT allows you to make revisions to your personal information. For any information that was erroneously provided by the applicant but was already submitted and can no longer be changed or re-submitted, you must contact the College, Institute, University, or payment gateway directly to alert them to the erroneous information.

You may also update your email address and mobile phone number within your online account, though once your email address information has been submitted to a selected member College, Institute, or University, you can only update your email address and mobile phone number if you contact that member College, Institute or University directly.

Security measures

We take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure, or destruction of data. These include internal reviews of our data collection, storage, and processing practices and security measures, as well as physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to systems where we store personal data.

We restrict access to personal information to our employees, vendors, contractors, and agents who need to know that information to operate, develop or improve our services. These individuals are bound by confidentiality obligations and may be subject to discipline, including termination and criminal prosecution if they fail to meet these obligations.

Your User Registration information is password-protected. You may edit your User Registration information by using your User Name and password. We recommend that you do not disclose your password to anyone. Also, remember to sign out of your NSPOT registration account and close your browser window when you have finished your work.

Also, to help ensure the security of your application, do not copy and paste links from within the online application into an email or share with others on a public forum.

Links to other websites

Our Properties may contain links to other websites. Note that once you click these links to navigate away from our Website, we do not have any control over the contents of the external sites. We will not be held responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide to these sites and they will not be governed by this Privacy Policy. We encourage you to exercise caution and look at the privacy statement of such websites.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, you should first contact the following NSPOT representative by email, phone, or mail at the address below: or
Mr. Niroop Soman
NSpot Consultancy Services Private Limited

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